Fallout 4 institute mods
Fallout 4 institute mods

fallout 4 institute mods

Sole survivor goes through mass fusion with the BoS, but at the end X6-88 EMPs Proctor Ingam. Paladin Danse is controlled to let the sole survivor to enter the prydwin after becoming enemies. At the meeting the weapon scientist suggests using Paladin Danse to disable the BoS main defenses. 1st: it cannot be completed before meeting with the institute heads. This is the key to conquering the BoS instead of exterminating them.

  • Liberty reprimed is normal except the last part.
  • Li convinced to accept the flaws of the institute Virgil has to be cured, convinced to return, and Dr. Li to sabotage Liberty Prime (The rest mainly follows BoS quests).
  • Return to Justin Ayo or Alana Secord (Framing him does not fail quest).
  • Fake holotape given to Elder Maxson (Can give real one failing this quest).
  • I'm going to save the commonwealth (Justin is suspicious, but offers a fake holotape to give the BoS starting this quest) I'm with the BoS (Justin says some serial code thing and a courser jumps you teleporting you out of the institute => Failing Institutionilized and any other quests required in the institute). 4 choices: How did you know about Me and the BoS? I'm keeping my options open (Justin Ayo lets it go reluctantly).
  • Justin Ayo's stupid dick measuring contest is replaced with drilling the sole survivor about involvement with the BoS (He knows how far you've gotten with them).
  • The mod is split into 5 side quests that coincide with each main quest. The changes start during institutionalized.

    fallout 4 institute mods

    This mod is a massive undertaking and welcomes any who want to help.

    fallout 4 institute mods

    My minuteman army is loyal, the Railroad can be reasoned with, and I can conquer the BoS while taking over all of their weapons, munitions, and armor. I am the god damn leader of the institute, so fall in line and quit giving me one choice.

    Fallout 4 institute mods