The player can also shoot the enemies' own grenades to trigger an explosion. In addition to hand grenades, the player can also deploy tripwire booby traps, land mines and dynamite. The sniper rifle is the primary weapon throughout the game, though additional side arms (submachine guns and pistols) can be used depending on the situation. Set in World War II, the player character utilises appropriate weapons for the era. Many of the single player levels allow multiple routes for the players to take in order to avoid direct firefights.

Tekken 6: An arcade fighting game to show your friends how great you are.Splinter Cell: Conviction: Great stealth, third-person shooter action.Rage: FPS co-op Missions are really fun, but it'll only take a few hours to beat it.Outfit: A very cheap game that is actually very fun.Mortal Kombat: Arcade fighting game with pretty good co-op gameplay in ladders and even online matches.Lost Planet 2: Third-person shooter game that is kind of annoying, but the co-op is pretty good.Kane & Lynch: A pretty horrible game, but the co-op features are a lot of fun.So this game would be great to rent or borrow, but definitely not buy. Family Guy: Back to the Multiverse: Has pretty fun split-screen co-op, but it is very short, and you'll finish within five to six hours and never play again.I put in over 60 hours with my friend in the first two weeks I had the game. The more enemies you kill, the more XP you'll earn, which then unlocks even more purchasable options.

In Survival mode, you and your partner can earn in-game money to purchase new weapons, upgrades, etc. Needless to say, the Survival or Special Ops modes are a lot of fun to play with a friend. Can you blame me? The series just hosts co-op play so well. Once you've got it down, try searching for the Easter eggs scattered across each map! 4. Don't screen-cheat! Working together, you can create a strategy-build "zombie trains," utilize perks, Pack-a-Punch your weapons, and pick them off one by one. Plus, if you get three other players, you can do some nice multiplayer play. Zombies mode offers many hours of fun killing. In other modes, it is possible for up to eight players to play online. The Zombies mode can be played split-screen or with up to four players online. Black Ops 2 has a lot of changes and improvements that set it above the earlier episodes and make it shine. Set in the year 2025, this is the next installation in the COD series.