Once the download completes and you have read all of the installation instructions provided by the creator, simply double-click on the mod or select it and press the Enable Mod button the green checkmark on the left to install and activate the mod. To login, click on the profile icon in the bottom-left corner of the manager window - keep in mind, the popup may open behind the main NMM program window. Once you've created an account and installed the manager, log into your Nexus account in the manager to enable direct downloads. Nexus Mod Manager is the easiest way to install many mods for Fallout 4, as it eliminates most of the hassle of installing mods manually. In order to make your copy of Fallout 4 mod-friendly, you need to edit two configuration files, Fallout4. I need herbal cure to cure herpes in guestbook post comment Copying these files will ensure that, in the event of a catastrophic failure on your part or if you just want to start from a clean installyou don't have to download and re-install the game. In the case of Fallout 4, these are found by default in. The first step to modding any game is to make a backup of all of your games files, including any loose configuration files. If you're playing on console, here's how to install mods on Xbox One. There are two main methods of installing mods : manually or via a program such as the Nexus Mod Manager. This page contains instructions on how to install mods on the PC version of Fallout 4.