Using the "live" masterlist, the plugin also showed no metadata in LOOT. The filenames were however an exact match. After sorting my plugins with my local masterlist, the Darker Nights plugin had no metadata. However, I still couldn't get it to work after attempting to fix this myself by: making a local masterlist copy and changing the filenames, and then using this local copy in LOOT. Thus fixing the filename should fix the problem.

Inspecting this plugin entry reveals that it has the same priority as the main plugin, but it has the main plugin listed in the after metadata. However the correct filename should be: FNV Realistic Wasteland Lighting - Darker Nights.esp. After investigating the masterlist, I've found the following plugin name which I believe corresponds to the Darker Nights plugin: FNV RWL Darker Nights.esp. I've noticed this issue because the optional plugin should be loaded after the main plugin, however this doesn't happen when sorting with LOOT.